Cialis with Priligy

Treatment of the sexual dysfunction in a new light.

The sexual problems often go after each other and the man develops the premature ejaculation in combination with the erectile dysfunction. Due to the emotional fatigue, disorders of the central nervous system the man may is not able to completely relax during the sexual intercourse, so that he is not able to have a complete sexual intercourse.

Cialis with priligy is a unique medicine which will not only help to gain the erection to have sexual intercourse but also help to relax in order to feel more comfortable and freely.

Cialis with priligy contains two active ingredients: Tadalafil and Dapoxetine.

Tadalafil is a standard PDE5 inhibitor which improves erection by means of the increase of the blood circulation in the penis during the sexual arousal.

Dapoxetine is more interesting medicine which belongs to the light antidepressants. Reaching the blood Dapoxetine influences on serotonin and dopamine receptors in the brain which are responsible for the mood of the man. Due to its antidepressant properties Dapoxetine helps to easier be relaxed and have sex with the sexy partner. Reducing the constraint before the sexy partner dapoxetine helps to slow down the movement of the impulses about the onset of the ejaculation due to which the sexual intercourse may last by 3-4 times longer.

Tadalafil increases the sensitivity of the nerve endings in the penis, and therefore intimacy gives pleasure.

Cialis with priligy is not only a medicine but also a great stimulator for the improvement of the sexual health condition. This drug may be used as both everyday and single medicine, one hour before the sexual intercourse. 1 pill of cialis with priligy contains 20 mg of Tadalafil and 60 mg of Dapoxetine. It is a maximal daily dose, and do not exceed it.

The action of Cialis lasts up to 36 hours and the action of Priligy – up to 12 hours. This time is enough in order to enjoy the intimacy and get the maximal satisfaction.

The interaction of two active components does not provide a negative action to the body, and therefore the probability of the side effects will not be increased. In order to avoid the side effects, do not abuse alcohol and do not use this medicine in case of the severe cardiovascular diseases.

If you feel sick during the sexual intercourse, you have headache or dizziness, nausea, vomiting, rapid heartbeat, you need to stop the sexual intercourse temporarily. If these side effects do not pass within an hour, it is not recommended to continue intimacy. Consult a physician next day and specify the cause of the side effects.

Product: Cialis with Priligy

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